December 24, 2014

Episode 12: Let it Snow!

We're finally back after a week long hiatus.   In this Episode, Steve and Jake discuss games they are play, PlayStations #20YearsOfPlay, and some of our favorite (and least favorite) snow levels. 

We ask the question to our listeners, what's your favorite (or least favorite) snow level in a video game.

Stuff we discussed:

UC4 ~ Naughty Dog artist releases HD images of Nathan Drake’s character model
Latest Assassin's Creed Unity patch boosts performance
Video: Why you might not want to pre-order The Order
Sony Long, Live, Play Commerical

Check out this episode!

December 9, 2014

Episode 11: Moving to the Next (Current?) Gen

In this episode we discuss the new announcements and vids from The Game Awards and the PlayStation Experience.   We also discuss the PS4 impressions and Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Stuff we discussed:

A Month-Long Race To See Who Can Finish 21 Final Fantasy Games First
The PlayStation 20th Anniversary Theme Brings Back A Familiar Sound
The next major Assassin's Creed is set in Victorian London
They took the original announce trailer for Street Fighter V down so there's this instead:
Street Fighter V PS4/PC Exclusive
Adrift - The First Person Experience
No Mans Sky
Uncharted 4 Gameplay Trailer

Check out this episode!

December 2, 2014

Episode 10: Drivingvantage

We recorded on the road this week due to schedule and time constraints.   We talk about the new Star Wars Teaser, we revisit music in games and a few other random topics.

Mentioned this week:

Physics of Mario Galaxy

Killzone 3: Justice Trailer

Check out this episode!