February 29, 2016

Episode 39: Harpoon Mechanics in a Postapocalyptic World

Jake give us a update on Paper Mario and compares and contrasts Super Paper Mario with the previous entries.  Steve talks more about his LEGO run and focuses on LEGO Indiana Jones 2 and goes into detail about his time with Mad Max.   We also get a brief glimpse of Steve's Everybody's Gone to the Rapture impressions before we dive into news, listener responses to our last podcast and this weeks GV 10 List, Reasons Why Physical Media is better than Digital.


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February 18, 2016

Episode 38: Mario is Just a Normal Hero

After a month long break, Steve and Jake are back with talk about Paper Mario, Borderlands 2, LEGO Batman, Life is Strange, Mad Max a bunch of new and a new Top 10 List for franchises that we want to see LEGOized.

Questions for this podcast:

How do you say niche?

What series, IP or franchise would you like to see transformed into a LEGO game?


Links for this Episode:

Super Cafe: Bros Before Marios


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